Healing energy acts across time and space through intention regardless of locality of the healer and the client. Sessions can be done in person or remotely by phone — energy is energy.
Book a session via email or phone: janetwestonhealing@gmail.com | 707.812.7771
Janet connects to those on the other side, during a 50 minute session providing clarity, insight, information and healing.
50 minutes: $250
Holistic healing of your subtle energy body, chakras, and auric system. Work with source energy to identify and clear blockages and dissonant energies. Collaborative dialogue uncovers and releases the patterns and influences behind those blockages. Recalibrate and integrate your cleansed energy body to your wellness, in mind, body, heart, and soul.
60 minutes: $200
Through hypnosis, accessing your subconscious memories of past lives to facilitate healing in your current life, including traumas, fears, recurring issues in relationships, career/financial obstacles, and more. Also for soul seekers who wish to access deeper wisdom about their inner purpose through journeying to related past lives.
120 minutes $400
Provides insight and clarity for those searching for answers in specific areas of their lives. By connecting with source energy through my guides, and by reading psychically through my seeing, hearing, and knowing abilities, I interpret messages that come through as they pertain to questions you form for our session. The less information you give, the clearer and more insightful your reading will be. Be aware that there may not always be an answer to your questions; I share all the information I receive.
15-minute for $50, 30- minutes for $100
Harmonizing your space by clearing energy for homes, land, commercial spaces, haunted spaces, and transitioning earthbound spirits (ghosts) to the light.
$300/ hr